
We are a local charity that provides quiet reflective spaces in our two open churches and green churchyards with their wildflowers. These are used for christenings, weddings, funerals and burials, as well as parish services and for anyone looking for some peace and quiet. We are present in sad and joyful times.
As our visitors remark:
“I come every morning to be for 5 minutes” “lovely to enter and think for a while”
“a lovely tranquil place in a busy world”
We are also busy in the community through care homes, the hospital and hospice; visiting those who are housebound, bereaved, lonely or those coming to terms with difficult life circumstances, or struggling with mental health, by providing pastoral care and activities.
We support young people in Harnham Schools, clubs and through pop up youth activities.
Ways to support the Parish financially
Parish Giving Scheme: You can select a regular direct debit from your bank account or a one-off donation by card or digital wallet. You can add gift aid to increase your gift if this is applicable.
Please scan the QR code:

(or go to on your browser and insert “Harnham” in the Parish Search Box)
SumUp Card Machines: Please visit St George or All Saints and use the digital giving machines there.
Any donation under £30 automatically qualifies for Gift Aid so there is no need to put in your personal details. Any card or digital wallet will work. Add your e-mail address for a receipt.
Bank Transfer: our bank account is: Harnham PCC, sort code 30-97-41, account no 00557482.
Please include a reference with your name and reason for the donation as shown in these examples where we use Scott as the name:
General Donation please use Scott_GenDon;
Christmas special collection please use Scott_XmasDon
Family Christening please use Scott_ChristenDon;
Any questions, please contact Julie Scott: e:, t: 01722 336126
Leave a legacy in your Will
Writing a Will is a responsible way of setting your affairs in order, and it does offer a final opportunity to make a lasting gift to God, and to this Parish and your community. Our policy in the Parish is to welcome all gifts in Wills, however large or small, and to use them to help fund significant development projects, whether buildings, equipment, mission or staffing. If you would like advice as to the appropriate wording to use, please contact the Treasurer in the first instance. The Vicar will be pleased to offer confidential advice if requested.
Almost everything we do depends on volunteers. If you would like to find out what opportunities are available, please contact the Parish Office, or one of the Churchwardens.
Parish Office contact details
Post: Parish Office, Harnham Parish Hall, Lower Street, Salisbury SP2 8EY
e: pccharnham@ianm: 07925 108856