Church links
Local residents, appointed as Church Links, provide a local point of contact for our two churches up and down the roads and streets of Harnham. The aim of the Church Links Scheme is to have every road in the Parish covered by a resident living in the road or one adjacent to it. Currently, about 80% of the roads are covered, but we still need Church Links for those that remain.
The key roles of the Church Links are:
- To welcome new residents with a friendly face, and a Welcome Pack with information about the churches, church activities and local community facilities;
- To have a pastoral concern for all in their road who have a connection with the Church, so as to be able to let the Vicar and the Pastoral Team know if someone is ill, in hospital or in need of a visit;
- To deliver seasonal leaflets to everyone in their road at Festivals such as Christmas and Easter.
Church Links are not expected to usurp either the responsibility we all have as good neighbours to those who live around us, or the responsibility of the statutory services for those with particular needs in our community. But there remains an important role Church Links can play to supplement what others are doing.
So if you are new to Harnham, or if you want to know more about our churches or church activities, or if you would like a visit or know a neighbour who would, speak to your Church Link (there is a list in each church), or contact the Church Links Co-ordinator Charles Woodd on 07962 213494 or at