This year the Electoral Roll is totally new. You may have seen the following overview in the notice sheets as well as the Form 3 Notices put up in both churches.

Please download and fill in the form online or pick up a paper copy in the churches.
Joining the electoral roll can confirm your commitment to the Parish community and to our
vision. It means that you can vote on any relevant issues at the annual parochial church
meeting (APCM) and stand for election to the PCC (the church council) and allows you to take
part in the life of the wider Church of England, at, deanery, diocese and even national levels, if
you’re interested. It is the closest thing the Church of England has to official membership, as
well as by coming regularly to Harnham Worship and participating in the life of the church, and
that would be your reason for being on the electoral roll.
To apply for the church electoral roll, you must:

  • be 16 years old or over (although you can apply in the year you become 16 and you can
    be on the electoral roll once your birthday has passed)
  • be baptised
  • either live in the parish or have attended the church regularly for at least 6 months

The deadline for applications is 1 May 2025.

We will keep your information secure in line with UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) regulations.
We will be asking for more information to enable us to serve you better. This includes:

  • email address
  • mobile and/or home phone number
  • date of birth

If you have any questions please talk to or email David Curson (electoralroll@harmhamparish.org.uk) or Richard Scott (pccsecretary@harnhamparish.org.uk).